Monday, June 14, 2010

Even just five years ago, my mother and I were at odds so often that it felt foreign to me when I WASN'T mad at her. I was the perfect, textbook example of the bratty teenage daughter who thought her mom was old-fashioned and uncool and didn't know anything about anything... but they say the older you get, the smarter your parents get. and boy, they aren't kidding. my mom has become one of my best friends and most trusted confidantes (within reason, of course), and if I told my fifteen-year-old self that I would ever have that relationship with my mom, I would flat-out called me crazy.

I just wish I could go back in time and shake myself by the shoulders and say "you IDIOT, she's your MOTHER, she knows BETTER than you do, stop being such a twit and give her the respect she deserves." or better yet, I wish I could do that to my little sister... or any girl who had the same mentality I did. but then, when I think back, I probably WAS told that a time or two and it didn't do anything to change me.

I'm just glad I came to my senses, now, at age 20, and can give my mother's advice the attention it deserves. I just had a long conversation-filled dinner with her (one of many, now that I'm getting older) and I cannot stress enough how much I love this woman, and every time I notice a quirk about myself that reminds me of her I am literally thrilled. because she is amazing, and talented, and resourceful, and kind, and wise, and caring, and generous, and I could go on and on. and even if it means I'll have to go through the better part of a decade fighting with my OWN daughter down the line, I will still be incredibly honored if I turn out to be just like her.

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